Saturday, June 7, 2014

What's on this Week...

Hello Lovely Parents

We have a busy week ahead and I have some notices for you all.

Tuesday - I am out for the day going to Freeville School to see how Maths Attack works. This a programme that both Mrs H and myself will be implementing into our Maths programme. Cindy Giddens will be in Room 6 for the day and we will have a normal programme.

Wednesday - Orana Park Visit (finally!!!) Please ensure you send your child with a full packed lunch, drink bottle, Warm jacket and hat as well as suitable footwear for walking around the park. The children are to wear school uniform so please make sure they have warm clothes - long trousers, skivvy and polar fleece.

Also on Wednesday the scholastic orders are due. Please try to get them to me asap so I can collate them.

Thursday - We usually have Library on Thursday. We are in the process of moving the library to a new location at school (Room12) so until further notice the library is closed and we will not be issuing library books. If you have books to return please put them in the library folder box and I will arrange for them to be put back in the library once it is not so chaotic.

Friday - Discovery Day. If you have any old boxes etc for our construction box we would appreciate it. Last Friday I was the construction class and we had a ball. I will be posting some photos on the blog as it was such a fun session.

Once again, thank you to you as parents for all your support. I love having the conversations with you about your children and as you all know I have an open door policy for any concerns you may have.


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